“Yossarian shook his head and explained that déjà vu was just a momentary infinitesimal lag in the operation of two coactive sensory nerve centers that commonly functioned simultaneously.”
from Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Catastrophic events, with similar markings, continually reoccur. Are they accidents or deliberately caused? How can we tell?
Stephen Covey reminds us to “begin with the end in mind.”
George Soros did just that. He wanted a lot of money and power to finance his globalist agendas.
On Sep 16, 1992, (Black Wednesday) George Soros earned the nickname of “the man who broke the Bank of England.” Using his “Theory of Reflexivity,” Soros bet against the British Pound, planted seeds of doubt (“fertile fallacies”) within the media, watered them and simply waited for the harvest. In time, speculators forced the British government to pull the pound from the European exchange rate mechanism (ERM). As a consequence, the pound rapidly devalued, leading to an estimated $1 billion profit for Soros and his Quantum Fund.
Soros was a Nazi sympathiser as a youth and has no regrets. He has been called a financial predator by several nations’ leaders.

Yes, it’s the same George Soros who received a Congressional Medal of Honour from Joe Biden.
Dr James Lindsay explains how Reflexivity is simply a modern version of the same dialectical alchemy used by Hegel and Marx. They used “Thesis and Antithesis leading to Synthesis.” Soros devised “Problem – Reaction – Solution.” Same, same.
From Lindsay’s podcast The Reflexive Alchemy of George Soros we read:
“George Soros has a theory of change, and his goal is to make and move history. That theory of change is easy to understand if we take the time. It is also explicitly dialectical and alchemical. For Soros, society moves ‘historically’ during times of chaos when people are searching for guideposts for what the future will bring, and it proceeds through change by ‘fertile fallacies,’ which are the seeds of what has elsewhere been called mass-formation psychosis. That is, feedback loops based on consequential errors change history. If you want to change history, then, it’s simple. First, plunge society into chaos (say, by funding lots of things that destabilize communities). In the meantime, build ‘reflexive’ potential so that the people driven into chaos work in ways favorable to your agendas. Then, when chaos ignites, place strategic ‘guideposts’ that lead the desperate people to make exactly the kinds of mistakes that take them where you want them to go.”
Their playbook is pretty straightforward. Communists crave power. They also need the money that Capitalists generate to run their social programs. How can these be stolen quietly?
Step 1. Create a simulation of reality (a fertile fallacy).
Step 2. Convince people to react mistakenly, moving further to the left and ceding them more power (and money)
Three Case Studies
Let’s view some recent tragedies through the lens of Reflexivity.
Beginning with the end in mind, what do Communists want to do?
- Protect Mother Earth (e.g. stop forest clearing and back-burning)
- Preserve her vital resources (e.g. water)
- Destroy the middle class who oppose Communism
- Steal the Capitalists’ wealth
- Seize the means of production (of both Industry and Society)
George Soros invested millions to elect progressive candidates in key positions of power, including Mayors and District Attorneys. Over time, these people helped to entrench Communist ideology into progressive local governments. DEI programs were then trotted out and weaponised. They were used to eliminate any who opposed the leftist agenda and to hire activists to replace them. Budgets were diverted to enrich activists and to strengthen their positions of power. The additional money and power reinforced their agenda (steps 1 through 5 above).
Let’s consider the recent fire tragedy in Los Angeles.
Satellite Image of LA via indiatoday.in

- Thousands of lavish homes sat proudly on spacious blocks of land in wealthy seaside suburbs. Juxtaposed against these were tent cities; drug addicts living in squalor. This angered the Communists.
- Fresh water was diverted from dams to the sea to protect smelt fish.
- Fires, swept up by the Santa Ana wind-storms were a common occurrence and were expected.
- Budgets were slashed in the fire department.
- DEI hires replaced experienced firefighters.
- Forest floors were not cleared of fuel load.
- Insurance companies considered the risks of home insurance too high, cancelling policies.
- Fire hydrants ran dry. Everything burned.
- City, state and department avoided any blame, instead imagining a progressive future, built with SMART city technology.
- John Lennon’s “Imagine” played in the background.
Now, let’s analyse this through the Reflexive lens.
- To many wealthy people occupying too much space. Wealth and power inequity exists. Conservatives continually challenge the progressive agenda.
- Cut fire prevention efforts.
- Eliminate experienced firefighters.
- Delay equipment replacement.
- Limit water available for fire-fighting.
- Wait for the next big fire.
- Blame it on climate change.
- Invoke “Marshall Plan” style funding to “Build Back Better.”
- Plan for high-density, SMART city residence to replace the traditional.
- Redistribute wealth from those who remain through higher taxes and insurance premiums.
- Use the money saved from the Fire Department budget to Trump-proof California.
Author John Leake discusses Newsom’s “Marshall Plan” idea and links it to Disaster Capitalism. He writes about the: “growing perception—among certain interest groups—that disasters such as infectious disease pandemics, wars, and fires are a good thing because they unleash deluges of federal money for so-called ‘countermeasures,’ disaster relief, and rebuilding.
While federal, state, and municipal governments find it difficult to allocate funds for long term investment in infrastructure, maintenance, and disaster prevention, politicians are heavily incentivized to open the money spigot after disasters have struck and caused widespread loss of property and life.”
This also reminds me of Klaus Schwab’s “poly-crisis” comment. Globalists love to sow fear into the hearts of people through continuous crises. By invoking emergency laws and International treaties, normal political decision-making can be bypassed at the national level.
Don’t expect a proper enquiry in LA. No-one in California will be held accountable. Conservatives will leave in droves, ensuring that it remains in Progressive hands.

Recall the Hawaii Lahaina fire of August 2023. It’s virtually an identical pattern of Problem – Reaction – Solution. Read here for more details.
Let’s analyse one final event using the Reflexive lens. This time it’s an assassination attempt.
- Donald Trump is a threat to the Progressives retaining power in the US
- Call Trump Hitler and his followers an existential threat to the US
- Refuse Donald Trump additional Secret Service security
- Cut manpower to the Secret Service Counter Surveillance Division by 20%.
- Send experienced agents to other PA rallies held simultaneously to Butler in nearby locations (Jill Biden and Kamala Harris). Staff Trump’s rally with DEI hires.
- Do not protect the roof from which Crooks fired his rifle.
- Allow Donald Trump to go on stage even when the Crooks threat is known 10 minutes earlier.
- Scrub the shooter’s home clean like a “Medical Lab”
- Trump would be assassinated (but for a sudden turn of the head – the grace of God).
Please read We all Fall Down and What is Truth for a full account of the assassination attempt. Even after all of this time, we don’t know ANY MORE than what was found almost 18 months ago!
Limited Hangout
The Trump inauguration has caused a flurry of activity from Government agencies and the private sector. Both Blackrock and the Federal Reserve have pulled out of global Climate Action groups, severely affecting the influence of ESG.
Dozens of major organisations including Google, Boeing, Ford and Walmart have recently dismantled their DEI programs. Even the FBI closed down their ODI office as Trump’s inauguration loomed.
Should conservatives be taking a victory lap because ESG and DEI are on the decline? No. Let me explain.
This SkyNews (conservative) reporter commenced her story on the FBI and DEI by saying:

“DEI Programs are on track to become a thing of the past. … these programs may have started out well-intentioned….”
That’s what you would call a “limited hangout.” This “is a tactic used in media relations, perception management, politics and information management. A limited hangout gives a taste of the truth that is stage-managed and controlled. It misdirects away from the depth of the scandal, withholding key information that could damage the powerful.”
DEI is not new. And it’s did not begin with good intentions. As Dr. James Lindsay points out in his podcast: Korenizatsiya: Stalin’s Soviet DEI Program:
“Did you know the Soviet Union ran a DEI program exactly like the Woke Marxist one of today? How about Mao’s China? As it turns out, DEI isn’t an American invention. It’s a Soviet invention and Soviet export, designed, outlined, and implemented by Josef Stalin and Vladimir Lenin in the USSR in the 1920s. The results were predictable, of course: massively increasing ethnic strife arising from within the world’s most widespread Affirmative Action program in history. Russians, then later Han Chinese, then later straight, white, Christian, males in the West, were invited to subjugate themselves to ethnic minorities to accomplish ‘actual equality,’ which we today call ‘equity.’ The full program was called korenizatsiya, and its ‘diversity’ program was called raznoobrazsiya, and its lever was called ‘Great Russian chauvinism’ in the USSR, ‘Han chauvinism’ in the PRC, ‘white supremacy culture’ in today’s West, and ‘great-power chauvinism’ in general.”
Roll up your sleeves
Eliminating the disastrous effects of the woke agenda will take a lot more than Trump’s inauguration. It will take a lot of hard work by many people. Let me give you an example.
I recently mowed my lawn.
It looks pretty nice, right?

But on closer inspection, there’s a weed. In fact, there are several weeds.
If left unaddressed, these weeds pop out, bud and flower.
Here is a neighbour’s lawn, left unattended for several weeks.

With a little effort, I was able to carefully lift several other shoots out of my newly-mown lawn and trace them back to a single root.

This is but one root to this runner.
Here’s what I pulled out of a patch of lawn 20 cm x 20 cm.

In a similar way, ESG, DEI, Sustainability and Inclusion – they’re all just like weed shoots, popping out and flowering. We can pull them, but they just keep coming back in a different place and at a later time.
Communism has been likened to a mind virus that has adapted and survived through history for centuries. We see its latest manifestations like weed shots in ESG, DEI and other programs. Dialectic alchemy or Reflexivity is like its runner, carrying the mind virus along through the centuries.
If you don’t believe me, please watch out for the history of Communism to be outlined in a future article. Unless we are willing to learn from history, we won’t be able to spot the weed shoots as they arise. If we don’t follow the shoots to locate the runner’s roots and pull them out, programs like DEI will keep reappearing.
Woke activists in Washington DC have retreated while Trump is inaugurated. However, like cockroaches, they’ll be back when it’s dark. I think I know what they’re singing while they console each other.
“I want you [power], I need you [money]
But there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna love you [Trump]
Now don’t be sad, (Don’t be sad cause)
Cause two out of three ain’t bad.”
“Two Out of Three (Ain’t Bad)”, the 5th song on Bat Out of Hell by Meatloaf
Not every Reflexive event will succeed. But by the grace of God, we’ll see them manifesting and can work to uproot them.
Can you now see these déjà vu events through a Reflective lens? Are they:
- Well-intentioned programs that went off the rails; or
- Malice aforethought?
You decide.
18 months ago, I was fired from an excellent job for daring to warn my clients about the dangers that DEI and ESG posed to their industry. Today, I commit to helping identify and eliminate the roots to these programs. Will you join me?