The Berlin wall fell in 1989.
Many said that Communism was dead.
They were wrong.

Communism is a religious cult. It’s founded on an evil ideology; a mind virus. It adapts. It mutates as it runs through history.
Hecklers mock. Is it crouching at the door? Perhaps it’s peering through the window?
Dr James Lindsay is a Maths Professor. He found notoriety instigating the Grievance studies affair. A former New Atheist, Lindsay now says he’s agnostic about God.

Yet, he’s arguably “done more to defend historical Christianity than most church leaders.”
Perhaps unwittingly, Lindsay is being used by God to awaken the church. Christian leaders in the culture war lean heavily on Lindsay’s expertise. I hope to convince you to do likewise.
Dr. James Lindsay has devoted himself to studying and refuting Communism. Going down rabbit holes. Connecting dots. No-one does this better than James. You see, he’s been on a journey. Come see what he’s found.
In August 2024 Dr. Lindsay ran a workshop entitled The EVILution of Communism. It included eight hours of lectures. But it took him eight years of preparation. Can it be summarised in eight minutes of reading?
Perhaps only with a time machine.

Let’s begin at the roots of Communism. When did it actually begin? With Karl Marx? No, much earlier. What do we see?
BC Here is the Emerald Tablet and the pagan gods Hermes and Thoth. There’s hermetic wizardry, alchemy and primeval wisdom. Small “g” gnosticism – a deeper knowledge of the divine. That’s where it all began.
Let’s push the lever forward.
1500 During the Renaissance, the Prisca Theologia (true theology) was formed. Shards of the divine were scattered throughout the universe. The prime task and purpose of man? To transform the mundane, releasing the divine. For more detail on gnosticism, hermeticism and Prisca Theologia please refer to the article Kool-Aid.
Let’s push on.
1800 There’s Hegel mashing up alchemy and gnosticism. He’s building his theology of “Scientific Gnosticism.”
1850 Now Marx is turning Hegel’s framework on its head. He’s replacing God with Man in Dialectical Materialism. Man must do the work to transform himself into God.
More detail on both Hegel and Marx can be found in the article Pedigree.

Communism 1.0 Theoretical Communism
is formed.
It is a theosophical religious cult of transformation.
Marx: But it’s crude. It still needs to resolve man and nature (Sustainability) and resolve man and man (Inclusion). So, that’s where Sustainability and Inclusion began!
Marx proudly proclaims: “Communism is the riddle of history solved, and it knows itself to be the solution.”
But Communism 1.0 didn’t work. The workers wouldn’t organise or revolt.
James Lindsay explains Theoretical Communism in more detail in this 92 minute video.
Press the lever forward. Humanity is now cloaked in darkness. The 20th Century has begun.

Communism 2.0 Industrial Communism
takes shape.
It is an Industrial (State/Soviet) style of Communism.
We stare in horror at Lenin’s brutality. Could it be? Well, yes, it is. Stalin developed the first DEI program (Korenizatsiya) along with some gulags. The Chinese Communist Party gave us Mao’s brainwashing and Deng’s Great Leap Forward. Thanks for that. Communism only succeeded in killing 100 million people. Yet the Theory can’t be wrong. It’s the application. The mind virus must mutate and invade new hosts.
James Lindsay explains Industrial Communism in more detail in this 134 minute video
Push the lever slower still.

Communism 2.5: Social Communism
Western Marxism and American Maoism.
The fertile minds of Gramsci, Lukacs and Horkeimer incubated Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory. Please refer to the article Pedigree for more on the key figure, Gramsci.
Thus began “the long march through the institutions.” The target? Society’s soft underbelly – Education, Religion, Arts & Entertainment. Subverting the West from within.
James Lindsay explains Western Marxism and American Maoism in more detail in this 134 minute video
Academics mixed their potions. Cauldrons spewed forth Feminism, Postmodernism, Liberation Theology and Critical Pedagogy.

Brazilian Marxist, Paulo Frieri added his magic touch. Pedagogy of the Oppressed – the cloak of invisibility. School lessons were repurposed for “Conscientisation.” Education was stolen without a whimper. Students would now be made “woke” without parental consent. For more detail on Paulo Frieri and his teaching methods, please refer to the article SEL.
Not to be outdone, other luminaries created their own brew. Blavatsky’s Theosophy. Alice Bailey’s occult meditation. Teilhard de Chardin’s Noosphere and Omega Point. They travelled on a different track. Yet, the mind virus contained the same basic DNA. Are their trajectories not aligned? Could man really be transforming himself into God at the end of the age?
Shaking our heads in disbelief, we press the lever forward again. Surely, the madness must stop. Will mankind continue to be deceived?
2025. Full Stop!

Communism 3.0 – Corporate Communism
Welcome to Klaus Schwab’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – Schwabwarts.
For more detail on Klaus Schwab’s key influencers, please refer to the article Pedigree.
Instead of fighting corporate power, Communism co-opts and uses it. We are living in Marcuse’s world. Capitalism and its negation (socialism) are a dialectic pair. Liberation (Communism) is its synthesis. Please refer to the article Sustainable for more detail on Marcuse’s World and the synthesis of Capitalism and Socialism.
We’re undergoing a “top-down, bottom-up, inside-out transformation” (Van Jones, former Obama administration Green Jobs Czar). Sustainable and inclusive values for global citizenship.
Captains of industry flirt with heads of state at Davos. Prostitutes please patrons with pate and pastis. Perfect for a Public-Private Partnership!
I’m reminded of The Hunger Games Capitol.

The United Nations and World Economic Forum join forces. This unholy union yields a cornucopia of tools for totalitarian control. Let’s see, there’s:
- Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to bankrupt economies;
- Decolonisation to destroy national sovereignty;
- Degrowth to impoverish the West middle class;
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to install trained activists within organisations;
- Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) to elevate woke businesses within capital markets;
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) to instill fear and a demand for the SDGs within young minds.
James Lindsay explains Corporate Communism in more detail in this 138 minute video
Communism 3.0 employs soft totalitarianism (top-down). It also conditions from the inside out and bottom up. Remember Vaccine Passports, forced masking and social distancing? That was practice. Ready and waiting in the wings are:
- A heavy surveillance state;
- Digital ID;
- Social Credit Scores;
- 15-Minute SMART cities;
- Two-tier justice system;
- Censorship tools for speech;
- Universal Basic Income; and
- A cashless society with programmable money (CDBC). No more meat, but you can eat all the crickets you want.
Many of the above are described in detail in the articles Digi-Tot and in City Slickers.
Would this be tolerated within with an awakened society? An awakened church? It would be very difficult. But what if we were all woke? Then all of these would be demanded.
Remember the luminaries on the parallel track – Blavatsky, Bailey, Fetzer, Muller and de Chardin? Their philosophies have infused the UN. They cry out for spiritual evolution. Woke religious leaders call for a Global Ecumenism. They all demand a one-world spirituality. But what is this spirit?
Like Moses, Teilhard de Chardin gave the UN their vision of “one global organisation.” Like Joshua, Robert Muller now urges the UN to lead us all into the promised land.
“The UN General Assembly 2000 … should above all decide to embark on the writing of a constitution for proper Earth government. … Only cooperation will save the Earth and humanity. From now on cooperation must be the supreme law of Earth and human survival. We must aim at a United Earth and Nature.”
Robert Muller, former “philosopher” of the UN
Choking back vomit, you beg to leave the time machine. “I can’t stomach this anymore. I just want to enjoy my life a little more before Communism takes over.”
It’s not coming – it’s here and is hiding in plain sight!
Why are the shibboleths of DEI, Climate Change and gender-affirming care required? For without these, one cannot enter the woke sanctuary. Do these words therefore, not make one holy? No, they keep them safe. Safe from the sanitising effects of the truth.
But all is not lost. There are two things that can and must be done.
- Pray for Boldness
- Speak the Truth
Trump won in Nov 2024.
Many said that woke is dead.
They are wrong.