The Eschaton is the final age and the consummation of history, including the Last Judgment and the defeat of evil, the eternal blessedness of the righteous, and, in some traditions, the creation of a new heaven and earth.
In orthodox Christianity, the Eschaton will be marked by signs preceding it, in summary form:
- The earth “groaning” including increasing numbers and severity of earthquakes and other natural disasters;
- Universal persecution of the true church;
- Universal persecution of and imminent war with Israel;
- Signs in the heavens.
Also, according to orthodox bible interpretation, there will be a seven-year period of great tribulation during which God will judge the earth with plagues, scorching heat and even more earthquakes.

Then, Jesus will return as a conquering King to reign upon the earth for 1000 years.
This orthodox position is defined by several key principles:
- All people have sinned and deserve God’s punishment;
- Those who through faith, believe in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will be saved from this eternal damnation;
- The love of many will grow cold. That is, only a few will persevere through trials to receive their reward;
- The timing of the Eschaton is totally up to God;
- While awaiting Jesus’ triumphant return, the church is to continue occupying – that is, making disciples of Jesus Christ and being salt and light upon the earth.
As the Eschaton approaches, the true church of Jesus Christ has begun to separate itself from the things of the world, no longer focusing on sports or fashion or the pursuit of wealth. They are becoming bolder in speaking out against actions that God has deemed wicked, including abortion, the sexualisation of children and hypocrisy within the church. For this, they are being persecuted, having their free speech removed, losing employment and becoming marginalised in society. Attempts to secure borders and preserve traditional Christian values are being labelled as xenophobic and holding views contrary to the established narrative are viewed as racist and misogynist.
Governments around the world appear to be working in unison to destroy the Judaeo-Christian West. They are focused on saving Mother Earth from carbon, protecting women’s rights to abortion, even to full term, and granting children the right to define their gender. Mass immigration, crippling debt and inflation, food and housing shortages, preferential treatment of illegal immigrants over citizens and a two-tiered justice which seems to favour those who side with the government are just a few of the actions in full force. Platitudes including “love, joy, peace and unity” are mouthed while forever wars bring the world closer and closer to the brink of World War 3.
An emergent church has taken root. This new movement works to reinvent Christianity to be more in line with the desires of the UN and other globalists. That is, minimising traditional Biblical orthodoxy, embracing unchecked immigration as being loving, focusing on the common ground between different religions (i.e. many paths to God, not just through Jesus), a focus on social justice issues, climate change and other collective efforts and the move toward global ecumenism (i.e. a one-world religion).
What is driving these actions and why are so many oblivious to what is happening? This is THE KEY QUESTION and will be answered throughout this article.
A wise man once said: “What you do, depends on how you feel about what you think.” That is, our actions are grounded in our fundamental beliefs and animated or empowered by our emotional connection with that. However, the empowerment is more than just emotional. It is animated by a potent spiritual dimension.
Frequent readers know of my efforts to investigate and identify the root causes of things happening in the world around us. In the recent past, I have focused on Robert Muller, the philosopher of the United Nations and the influence that he exerted on UN policy through his 40 years of service and numerous writings. These have been examined in UN-Influential, UN-Expected, UN-American and UN-Reasoning.
I now move one step closer to what I consider to be the locus of influence over what is happening and yes, the United Nations is still at the centre.

I would now like to pivot from Robert Muller to Teilhard de Chardin.
From this 75th Anniversary article: UN75: Facing the Challenges of the Future Together, we read: “2020 marks the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. … About 100 years ago, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin prophetically wrote
‘the age of nations is passed. If we are not to perish, we must set aside our ancient prejudices, and build the earth.’

The French Jesuit philosopher and paleontologist offered this vision of a sustainable future at the zenith of nationalist sentiment, and prior to the two cataclysmic global wars that produced millions of casualties across the globe and the subsequent re-framing of the international political system.
By the close of World War II, there was an historic initiative to conceptualize relations among states on the planet in another way.
As an alternative to bilateral relations, the vision for the future should be grounded in a collective security framework linking the fate and future of states and peoples in one global organization.”

Just what did de Chardin believe, especially about the Eschaton, that has so influenced the United Nations over the past 75 years?
What does this “one global organization” look like and how will it be achieved? Let’s find out.
This hour-long video presents the key themes of de Chardin’s philosophy of religion, drawing from his important book The Phenomenon of Man. The video is particularly useful as it summarises the entire book with simple graphics that help to explain some of his more complex ideas. To help the time-poor reader, I’d suggest you simply read my article below (which captures some key quotes) and then watch the video from the 51 min mark.
8:35 “The consciousness in man has a cosmic extension, and as such is surrounded by an aura of indefinite temporal and spatial extensions.
That is, consciousness exists everywhere throughout space and time.”
[Note, this is consistent with the divine spark or the Gnostic impulse – a divine shard that was distributed throughout all of creation and must now coalesce through alchemy.]

9:35: “In all matter there is an inner aspect parallelling the exterior complexity and intimately interwoven with it. For Teilhard, ‘the within’ or consciousness, is a term to indicate in its fullest sense, every kind of psychism from the most rudimentary form of interiority imaginable to the complex phenomenon of reflective thought, which we perceive in man.”
At the 12:00 min mark, de Chardin explains how pre-atomic “matter” became atoms and then how inorganic matter became a living cell, both transitions using a natural and spiritual component of energy. He calls this “The Law of Complexity Consciousness.” His theory is not mentioned in any scientific publication that I’m aware of.
At the 15:20 min mark, de Chardin explains how a stable piece of matter was ejaculated from the surface of the sun and rather than diffusing, this mass, containing a certain amount of elementary consciousness, formed a sphere and became “the future of man.”
51:25 “The final unification of our planet is the culmination of a natural process of organisation which has never deviated since those remote ages when our earth was young. Mankind has cosmic roots.”
52:15 “The world is not only becoming covered by innumerable grains of thought, but it is becoming encased in a single thinking envelope which forms a single huge grain of thought. All of the individual particles of reflective thought grouping themselves together and reinforcing each other in a single unanimous reflection. Mankind, a sort of collective human organism that is now forming a layer of thinking substance of planetary dimensions – a noosphere that develops and intertwines its fibres to reinforce all men in the living unity of one single tissue.
The noosphere comprises a single closed system in which each thinking element experiences for itself the same thing as all others – megasynthesis – the sum total of all human beings.
And so we see that no restricted group of men can evolve and grow except in cooperation with all other men. What more do we need to be convinced of the error hidden in the depths of any doctrine of isolation.”
53:40 “The outcome of the world, the gates to the future, the entry into the super-human, these are not thrown open to a privileged few, nor one chosen people to the exclusion of all others.
Rather, they will be opened to an advance of all-together in a direction in which all together can unite and find completion in a spiritual renewal of the earth.”

54:11 “Man can hope for no evolutionary future except in association with all other men. What is the result of human works if not create in man and through each of us a supremely original centre in which the universe uniquely reflects itself.
Any of these centres are our very selves and personalities, resonance to ‘The All’ and expectation and awareness of a great presence.”

The video’s narrator then summarised Teilhard’s theory from the 55:00 min mark.
The narrator states that the evolutionary consciousness of man must converge at a future point that Teilhard calls “The Omega” point.

What lies beyond the Omega point is essentially beyond time and space altogether. Omega is a distinct centre; a super consciousness.
56:50 “It is a grouping in which the personalisation of “The All” and the personalisation of the human elements simultaneously and without merging attain their maximum potential, under the influence of a supremely autonomous focus of union.
Thus, it is that space and time become truly humanised, or more correctly, super-humanised.”

57:25 “The more ‘other’ they become in the process of uniting, the more they discover themselves as ‘self.’
Since they are steeped in Omega, these centres of consciousness can become whole only by super-centralising themselves, the very seat of our consciousness. And that is the essence of Omega, to be truly Omega, must reclaim.”

58:05 At this point, the author appeals to Biblical truth, as applied in this context to Teilhard’s theory: “He who loses his soul, shall save it.”
59:00 The author now introduces the Biblical mandate to love and uses Teilhard’s erroneous definition of love as “the affinity of being with being.” He claims that Love is radio (cosmic) energy and the fundamental impulse of life.
Teilhard claims that through love, Omega draws the universe together in psychical convergence to itself.

1:02:00 Teilhard says it is possible to love everything and everyone, but only through Cosmic Love. In this way, Teilhard explains the Biblical mandate to “Love God with all your heart, mind and soul” and then to “love your neighbour as yourself,” recognising the same God who is being born in each one of you.
From the 1:05:00 min mark the narrator describes Teilhard’s Eschaton:
1:06:50 “when under this increasing pyschical tension on the surface of the earth, enough elements have been grouped together, evolution will reach such intensity and such quality that the whole of mankind will be compelled to reflect upon itself at a single point.
In other words, the movement will forsake its earthly foothold so as to pivot itself on its transcendent centre. This will be the termination and the fulfillment of the spirit of the earth.”

1:07:23 “The end of the world, the total internal inversion upon itself of the noosphere that has simultaneously attained the furthest limit of its complexity and consciousness, in an ecstasy utterly transcending the entire length, breadth and depth of the visible universe. The end of the world, the upset of equilibrium releasing the mind from its material matrix so that fulfilled at long last, it will centre itself thereafter with all its weight, in God.”
You may not need to see any more, but some key excepts from Teilhard’s book The Future of Man will add further evidence of Teilhard’s distortion of Biblical truth.
Dr James Lindsay reads through the first Chapter “A Note on Progress” and provides some commentary in this podcast. He writes:
“Leftism is religious. In fact, it’s occult-mystical religious, a vast suite of denominations of “transformative” religions of “Progress.” Progress toward what, though? Higher consciousness, in fact, collective consciousness, which is supposedly man’s true but forgotten nature. The goal: to evolve humanity, collectively, to become master of the universe, which is to say God. This religion and its aspects are fully visible throughout all the phases of Marxism, with “socialism” being the name for the awakened aspect, and are obviously present in the strange theosophical views behind the UN, as we have seen. Perhaps nowhere are they more clearly laid bare, though, than in the heretical ramblings of Jesuit priest, geologist, and wizard Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.”
De Chardin argues vehemently that we must continue to progress as humans since:
“Christ … fulfills Himself gradually, through the ages in the sum of our individual endeavours. (p 13).”
Therefore the UN must do nothing other than to exhort, coerce or even force every one of us to unite as a collective mind, to complete Christ.

“Without the process of biological evolution, which produced the human brain, there would be no sanctified souls [of course, since our proximity to God comes from random mutations and natural selection (sarcasm)]; and similarly, without the evolution of collective thought, [to be brought to its climax in the pleroma] through which alone the plenitude [completeness] of human consciousness can be attained on earth, how can there be a consummated [brought to completion] Christ? In other words, without the constant striving of every human cell to unite with all the others, would the Parousia [Second Coming of Christ] be physically possible? I doubt it.”
What de Chardin is pleading is: how could Christians claim that Jesus of Nazareth was fully God and fully man when no other ascendant master such as Buddha, Lord Maitreya and Zarathustra ever claimed that?
How could Christians claim that Jesus represents an exclusive path to God as one of many ascendant masters? Also: how could Christians claim the timing of the Second Coming is set by God the Father rather than by the collective mind and effort of man?
“That is why I believe that this coming together, from all four corners of the intellectual world, of a great mass of naturally religious spirits, does not portend the building of a new temple on the ruins of all others but the laying of new foundations to which the old Church is gradually being moved.”
The exclusive words of Jesus used by Christians “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” are opposed to the unity required for Cosmic Consciousness.

This Christian “lack of tolerance” explains why the UN would argue that the Judeo-Christian foundation must make way for a more inclusive one; a foundation of broad ecumenism including all “naturally religious spirits.” It also explains the actions of the UN, the World Council of Churches and hoodwinked Christian pastors who are complicit with the UN’s and WEF’s plans for universal ecumenism. The Christian church must be gradually moved onto this global, collective foundation in order to make the Eschaton imminent, according to de Chardin and his acolytes.
“Little by little the idea is coming to light in Christian consciousness that the ‘phylogenesis’ [evolutionary development] of the whole man, and not merely the ‘ontogenesis’ [individual development] of his moral virtues, is hallowed, in the sense that the charity of the believer may more resemble an impulse of constructive energy and his self-detachment be more in the nature of a positive effort.”
De Chardin says here that this love of the world – the whole man – is “hallowed” perhaps even the very definition of true love, refuting a contrary Biblical demand:
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. (1 John 2:15)
De Chardin might go so far as to say that this point is so important and so clear that only a powerful delusion could deceive the world regarding its application.
For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie. (2 Thess 2:11)
“Fulfilling the profound need for unity pervades the world and crowning it with renewed faith in Christ the Physical Centre of Creation; finding in this need the natural energy required for the renewal of the world’s life; thus do I see the New Jerusalem, descending from Heaven and rising from the Earth.”
De Chardin’s argument requires a spiritually enlightened person to truly understand why the world’s leaders must support the UN in forcing this unity in cosmic consciousness. It’s far too important to leave to chance and free will (sarcasm).
“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future.”
Klaus Schwab

No wonder Schwab longs for the universal roll-out of neural links! Oh, that we may leave these mortal coils behind
as our minds meld into cosmic consciousness!

As our seventh root race life-wave passes into the pleroma (more sarcasm)!

De Chardin prophesied that “He who speaks these words before the Tribunal of the Elders will be laughed at and dismissed as a dreamer.”
If only we had the courage to identify, mock and rebuke such demonic deception!
Instead, we cower in fear and bow before the altars of SDG, ESG and DEI.
This is where sarcasm must give way to sober thought. Every program of the UN and its acolytes is infused with and designed to bring about de Chardin’s vision of the Eschaton. That is, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the ESG Framework, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, indigenous knowledge and rights over citizens, mass migration, suppression of free speech and control over the information milieu are all focused on “forcing Teilhard’s Omega point.”
Most of us in the West have grown up within the Judaeo-Christian tradition, where God and Biblical principles underpinned society’s values. Despite this, many of us rebelled against our parents’ upbringing and decided to find our own way in life. That’s perfectly understandable; nobody wants to be forced to think or believe in a certain way. So, off we went to Uni or to work and our friends told us that God is a myth and secular humanism or some other ism was the way to go. Statistics show us that many have left the church and no longer serve God. But who do they serve? No-one? Themselves? Some other force out there in the cosmos?
Reader, we are not in a collective nightmare. This is a present reality and every one of you has the opportunity to wake up and turn to God. You may not have the ability to do much to change what is happening around you, but you can change your position in relation to God. You can stop being His enemy and receive the terms of His salvation.
Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts. (Hebrews 3:7)
I know this is has been a long article, but understanding it and responding appropriately is a matter of the gravest concern. Everyone has a choice and it’s not between God and nothing. You may have believed previously that secular humanism, the UN and modernity was offering you a nihilistic, Godless alternative to the religion of the Bible.
I hope you now see very clearly that the UN is an extremely radical religious cult. But whom do they serve? Who is their god?

While on his personal journey, Bob Dylan went through a stage in life when he wrote the song:
“Gotta Serve Somebody.”
It was the opening track on his 1979 studio album Slow Train Coming and won him the Grammy Award for Best Rock Vocal Performance by a Male in 1980.
Dylan wrote:
“You may be the heavyweight champion of the world
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls
But you’re going to have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re going to have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re going to have to serve somebody.”
I agree with Dylan. We have to served somebody, but who?
“… there is warfare; which shows that Satan in his eternal campaign of idolatry, has got a footing amongst Christians … that you are not just encountering the established institutions, but you are encountering a terrific spiritual force.”
I am going to leave you with a diagram I created in Dec 2022 and an image of Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell. These are described in my article Vortex.
Note, I developed my diagram independently of Dante’s. I had never seen or even heard of it until I finished my article.
So, who or what do you think this “animating force” is?
Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Maranatha!