SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Analysing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats associated with a business is an essential early step in Strategic Planning. Porter’s Five Forces also provides a useful framework for thorough analysis. JVP ie has facilitated numerous Strategic Planning sessions for both non-profit and publicly listed companies and can assist with the effective use of SWOT and Five Forces Analysis as part of Strategic Planning.
Business Plan Workshop facilitation
Larger organisations require cascaded Business Planning which enables departments to align their own strategies, plans and measures of success with the corporate Strategic Plan. Having facilitated numerous Strategic Planning sessions for both non-profit and publicly listed companies, JVP ie has a wealth of experience in engaging stakeholders from all levels of an organisation to fully participate in these events.
KANO analysis
JVP ie incorporates several effective tools in the Strategic Planning process. One of the lesser known yet highly effective analysis tools is the KANO chart. When constructed appropriately, the chart can assist organisations in making strategic decisions that impact the highest value-adding areas. JVP ie can show you how.
Stakeholder Management
JVP ie incorporates the ICEICE (or Ice Cube) framework in Stakeholder Management. This is a highly effective and comprehensive approach to managing stakeholder expectations while influencing and communicating for success.